samedi 4 février 2012


 Aloe or "Vahona" is a medicinal plant from Madagascar, known by the scientific name of Asphodelaceae, there are over 450 species of Aloe in different formsranging from the miniature that scientists call the millothi Aloe dichotoma abre or that are most Kokerboom from Madagascar, which only grow in arid tropical or subtropical.

For those unaware, The aloes are plants with thick leaves but quite soft and stickysometimes, but be careful because the leaves are edged with teeth, but they haveno spinesAloe has a rapidly growing and is mainly used in rock gardens or in containers outsideEasy to plantit thrives on a sunny and no humidity.
Aloe needs regular maintenance like cleaning tufts of cutting flush with the dried leaves or abimées.L Aloe Vera has been known since antiquity for its healing propertiesIt is part of the folk pharmacopoeia in many countriesused to treat wounds and burns. The bitter juice extracted from its leaves is tonicstomachic, anddepurative.
The VAHONA or aloe serves as a natural remedy to MADAGASCARIt can curealmost everything and is on the whole digestive tract (stomach, liverintestine,pancreas). The VAHONA is unique in its remarkable effect on the immune systemand is used in the prevention or treatment of certain forms of tumors (canceranddegenerative diseases (hypertensiondiabetesetc ...), cardiovascular disease.

This is both a powerful healing agent and a natural anti-inflammatory (rheumatism,arthritispain). It can help people with elevated cholesterol and triglycerides orpeople with skin rashes (eczema , psoriasisetc. ...The VAHONA traditionally is considered rightly as a factor of youth and longevity once daily (anti-aging)
 And don't forget that we can also use the aloe vera as decoration to give a look more cool and more natural, 

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